Here To Help

Please see below an itemised list of our services. Please note these fees are for our services only and do not include any disbursements (fees payable to third parties) for example Church, Crematorium or Cemetery fees.

For more information or a personalised estimate without any obligation please contact us. We aim to provide an arrangement that is tailored to your specific wishes.

Professional Fee
Our personal professional attention throughout the arrangements, including local transfer of the deceased into our care in office hours, use of our mortuary and private Chapel of Rest, care of the deceased, administration and funeral director’s attendance (in office hours) at the funeral £1,200
Embalming Temporary Preservation £135
Shaftesbury Oak veneered coffin £460
Lincoln Medium oak veneered coffin £540
Cheltenham Oak veneered coffin £690
Cambridge Mahogany veneered coffin £730
 Willow Coffin Environmentally friendly willow coffin £730
Seagrass Coffin Environmentally friendly seagrass coffin £700
Cardboard Cardboard coffin     £390 – £450
Colourful Coffin Catalogue design wooden coffin £800
Colourful Coffin Bespoke design wooden coffin £860
Hearse and Chauffeur £240
Limousine and Chauffeur £225
Horse Drawn Hearse £1,190 – £1,310
Motorcycle Hearse £1,255 – £1,332
Additional Services
Out of Hours Removal Charge for a local removal out of office hours £110
Extra Transport Conveying the coffin to church or house, prior to funeral (e.g. the day before) £240
Saturday Supplement Additional cost for hearse, conductor and staff for Saturday funerals and take-ins to church or home £450
Ashes Casket Solid Oak Casket £80
Scatter Tube Catalogue Design Scatter Tube £60
Bespoke Design Scatter Tube £80
Temporary Memorial Oak Grave Marker until a headstone is ready £75
Interment of Ashes
Including an ashes casket and the arranging, administration, and attendance at the interment £185 + disbursements
Basic Funeral
All charges and fees to be paid in advance. Administration, transfer of the deceased into our care in office hours, a simple coffin, a hearse direct to the place of committal. Day and time of funeral to be at our discretion.  Please note the basic funeral specifically excludes embalming, viewing and any funeral procession. £1,570 + disbursements
Direct Cremation
All charges and fees to be paid in advance. Administration, transfer of the deceased into our care in office hours, a simple coffin, transportation to a crematorium of our choice on a day and time of our choosing and all necessary staff. There will be no funeral service and no attendance. £1,595
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